our climate - not your business!
2009-05-22 08:17:37 UTC
(The program of the following days can now be found on
http://notyourbusiness.hacklab.dk/ )

Call to Action

Our future is at stake. Climate change is happening, and NOW is the time
to take action against the forces driving it!

While the preparations and mobilisations for the COP15 are underway all
over the world, a sinister meeting is under way. On May 24th - 26th 2009,
again in Copenhagen, corporations, climate criminals, capitalists and
their allies, will meet for the World Business Summit on Climate Change

The very people representing the business elites and multinationals who
played the majority part in creating the mess of crises we're in will now
be converging under the guise of a green social conscience to champion
business-friendly and marked-based mechanisms.
The Danish Government has already stated that the WBSCC will have a
special place in the COP15 negotiations, so the scenario is the same
people who're the cause of the crisis will be asked to solve it – through
the same false market mechanisms as we saw with the failed Kyoto Protocol
and other greenwash deals, commodifying more of our commons for the sake
of profits!

With some of the biggest emitters (DONG, SAS etc.) as a parts and sponsors
of the WBSCC, it is hard to imagine that they would have the future of the
planet and of its peoples in mind..

But we will not stand idle as their show goes on!
So for three days, while business elites will discuss how to spin more
profits of the COP15 and put pressure on governments, how to develop and
implement false and market based solutions, we'll be in Copenhagen:
Starting off on the 24th with a massive demo that will aim directly at the
summit, displaying our dissent to their world order while trying to shut
down their party!

We invite you to come to Copenhagen, to join the May 24th demo and to take
autonomous action on Sunday and on the days that follow, targeting the
summit or the corporate crooks involved therein whereever they might be

We will surround them and disturb them as much as possible, letting them
know once and for all, that OUR CLIMATE IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS!

Demo + Action, May 24th h.14.00
@ Christianshavn Torv
Copenhagen, Denmark

Accommodation, convergence center and other facilities are being arranged.
For more information write to ***@gmail.com or check out

See you in Copenhagen!
please forward
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